An Arahant who had lost his eyesight
Why cry for the moon?
The old man who retaliated
The old man who retaliated
The quarrelsome bhikkhus of Kosambi
The fate of Mahakala and Culakala who became monks
Who is worthy to receive the yellow robe?
It is difficult to realise the truth
Meditating for the sake of a girl
A butcher who suffered here and hereafter
Happiness here and happiness hereafter
The miserable fate of Devadatta
The achievement of a young girl
Knowledge is not realisation
Magandiya's plot against queen Samavati
The voice of a rich man
How a dullard attained Sainthood
Childish behaviour at a festival
Kassapa wants to know the number of births and deaths
The goal of the religious life
How Magha became Sakka
The fire of knowledge
The monk who developed contentment
Meghiya who could not control his mind
The lady mind reader
A wise man should guard his thoughts
The mind can wander afar
The fickle-minded monk
The spirits which disturbed the monks
The monk with a stinking body
Nanda, the herdsman
A mother of two and a father of two
Concentrate on your body
The bhikkhu who contemplated on the body as a mirage
Vidudabha seeks vengeance on the Sakyans
The lady who was born In Tavatimsa heaven
The miserly rich man
Pay no attention to curses
To whom should one pay respect?
The most devout lady
The question raised by the Venerable Ananda
Sakka gives alms to Venerable Kassapa
Godhika attains Sainthood while attempting suicide
Giving alms to test the wise
The king who craved for another man's wife
A disobedient novice monk
The fate of a stingy rich man
How to differentiate the fools
Fools cannot realise the Dhamma
The wise can realise the Dhamma
The leper's confidence In the Triple Gem
The strong devotion of a florist
The young man who molested a nun
The ascetic who deceived others
A ghost with a human head and snake's body
Be careful in actions
A lay disciple and a stubborn monk
A novice monk who won all hearts
A poor man wins spiritual release
Monks not observing the rules of Holy Order
The stubbornness of Venerable Channa
A king and his ministers attain Sainthood
A young samanera's achievement
Unshaken as a rock
The lady who abused the bhikkhus
The wise are unaffected by gain or loss
One must work for his own liberation
Very few in this world can attain the final goal
From darkness to brightness
The Buddha and his physician
An Arahant has no attachment (Maha Kassapa)
The monk who stored rice
The monk and the goddess
Sakka pays respects to Venerable Maha Kaccayana
The monk who accused Venerable Sariputta
The loss of an eye
Faith alone cannot make one realise Nibbana
The youngest brother of Sariputta
A courtesan tempts a monk
An executioner and his fate
The fastest way to attain Arahanthood
The rich girl who married a thief
Gain and loss in gambling
The way to the Brahma world
Fire worshipping is not the way
The brahmin who sacrificed animals
How the Buddha protected a child
The miracle of a young novice monk
Venerable Kondanna and the robbers
Attaining Sainthood while attempting suicide
Patacara is bereft of all her family
The cure for death
The children who neglected their mother
The great offering of a poor brahmin
Refrain from sexual abuse
A female deva attends to Maha Kassapa
Anatha Pindika and the guardian spirit
The careless bhikkhu
The rich man who gave little
A journey beset with danger
Kukkuta Mltta the hunter and his family comprehend the Dhamma
A hunter who was attacked by his own dogs
The gem polisher who beat an innocent monk
Nobody can escape from the effects of evil kamma
King Suppabuddha blocks the Buddha's path
The bhikkhus who quarrelled over a temple
The second quarrel
The youths who beat a snake
The monk and the phantom woman
The ladies who observed precepts for different purposes
Paying for his evil deeds
Untimely death of Venerable Moggallana
The monk with many possessions
Attaining Nibbana in the dress of a layman
The monk and the ragged clothes
Sukha the novice monk
Visakha and her drunken companions
How the Buddha auctioned Sirima's corpse
How the Buddha consoled an elderly nun
The over-confident monks
Arahanthood through reflection on the impermanence of beauty
The queen who regretted over a minor mistake
The monk who always said the wrong thing
The paean of bliss uttered by the Buddha
How Mahadhana squandered away his wealth
The prince who had no offspring
The greedy monk
The monk who preached without practising
The son of a bhikkhuni
The untimely death of a devotee
The story of Devadatta, the opponent of the Buddha
The story of schism in the Order
The jealous monk
A devotee protected by courtesans
The story of a diligent monk
A bhikkhu who quarrelled with a young girl
The Buddha visits Kapilavatthu
Meditation on a mirage
How the Buddha consoled a sad prince (Abhaya)
The monk with a broom
A murderer who attained Sainthood
The weaver-girl who realised the nature of Life
Thirty bhikkhus who suddenly disappeared
Cinca Manavika falsely accuses the Buddha
The almsgiving competition
The story of Kala, son of Anatha Pindika
The marriage proposal to the Buddha
The Buddha's return from the Tavatimsa Deva Loka
The king of Nagas and his daughter
The Teaching of the Buddha
A discontented young bhikkhu
Seek refuge in the Triple Gem
The noblest of men
What is happiness?
Honour those worthy of honour
The dispute over water
Mara Influences the villagers against the Buddha
Victory produces hatred
The fire of lust
The Buddha and a hungry man
Be moderate in eating
The way to honour the Buddha
Sakka nurses the Buddha
Attachment hinders spiritual development
The Buddha comforts the afflicted
The Buddha comforts Visakha
The princes who fought over a courtesan
Anitthi Gandha Kumara loses his bride
From craving springs sorrow
Kassapa receives baskets of cakes
The elderly monk who was reborn in the pure abode
Nandiya attains heavenly glory
The lady who was cured of her skin disease
A monk and the tree spirit
Metta protects Lady Uttara from boiling oil
The way to heaven
A brahmin greets the Buddha as his son
It is the giver that makes the gift
Nothing too much and too little
A group of bhikkhus who wore wooden sandals
The fate of a butcher and his son
A brahmin attends to the needs of holy men
A monk who was born as an insect
The monk who made false claims
A man whose wife committed adultery
The monk who practised medicine
It is not easy to observe precepts
The envious are not at peace
The inattentive lay-disciples
The rich man
The fault-finding monk
The wandering ascetic
The judges who took bribes
The greedy monk
Knowledge is not realisation
Age is not the criterion
Pretending to be what they are not
The monk who liked to argue
Who is a bhikkhu?
Silence is not wisdom
Live up to the name
It is not easy to become an Arahant
The path to perfection
Meditation on anatta
Be vigilant and do not be idle
Guard your thought, word and deed
Knowledge without realisation is useless
The old monks and the old woman
Meditation on a lotus flower
A wealthy merchant's impending death
Death comes to all beings
Sons and daughters are no refuge
The power of the Ratana Sutta
Hatred is only appeased by love
Monks who decorated their slippers
Lakuntaka Bhaddiya killed his 'parents'
The boy and the spirits
No satisfaction in life
A virtuous one is showered with riches
Distance is not the problem
It is better to stay alone
An evil plot against the Buddha
Those who suffered for their evil deeds
Bhikkhus pretending to have attained perfection
The man whom women loved
The obstinate bhikkhu
The jealous woman who tortured her maid
The bhikkhus who had to fend for themselves
The misguided naked ascetics
Children visit the Buddha
How the Buddha endured abuses
One must train oneself
The father and his ungrateful sons
On moderation in eating
The novice monk and the mother spirit
An old elephant responds to battle-drums
An elephant waits upon the Buddha
Mara tries to tempt the Buddha
The golden fish with stinking breath
Effect of good and bad deeds
A man who faced death bravely
The bonds of craving
Beauty is but skin deep
An acrobat who became a Saint
How a young woman influenced a bhikkhu
How Mara tried to frighten young Rahula
It is not easy to appreciate the Dhamma
Sakka's request
Riches destroy the fool
Seeds sown on fertile ground yield abundantly
Bhikkhus should control their senses
The monk who killed a goose
A bhikkhu should control his tongue
The way to respect the Buddha
A bhikkhu should be contented
All almsfood is the same
A devout lady and the thieves
Meditation on jasmine flowers
A bhikkhu should be calm
Attachment to old clothes
Admiration of the Buddha
The novice monk who performed a miracle
Not all bhikkhus are Arahants
Tranquillity and Insight
Where is the 'Other Shore'?
Who is a real brahmana?
Glory of the Buddha
Not every recluse is a bhikkhu
Maha Pajapati Gotami asks for ordination
Honour those worthy of honour
A brahmana is one who has realised the Dhamma
It is not easy to mislead the wise
The Buddha praises Kisa Gotami
One cannot become a brahmana by birth
One who has cut off fetters has no fear
Cut the strap of craving
The Buddha subdues the abusive brothers
Venerable Sariputta is reviled by his mother
An Arahant does not cling to sensual pleasures
The bond-servant who became an Arahant
The Buddha praises Khema
Bhikkhu Tissa is accused of practising exorcism
A monk who was mistakenly beaten
The lady and four novices
Arahants have no mental defilements
Force of habit
The monk who was accused of theft
Bhikkhus misunderstand Sariputta
Bhikkhus misunderstand Moggallana
Go beyond good and evil
The youth with a shining body
An unusually long pregnancy
A courtesan tempts a monk
How Bhikkhu Jatila attained Arahanthood
The celestial mansion of Jotika
The monk who was a dancer
The monk who was a dancer
Vangisa the skull-tapper
The wife who became a bhikkhuni
Angulimala and the elephant
The offering of Devahita