Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
DhA. |
VIII:4 Gain and loss in gamblingOn one occasion, a brahmin told the Buddha, 'Venerable Sir, I think you know only the practices that are beneficial and not the practices that are unbeneficial.' The Buddha replied that he also knew the practices which were unbeneficial and harmful. Then the Buddha enumerated six practices which cause dissipation of wealth. They are
Further, the Buddha asked the brahmin how he earned his living, and the brahmin replied that he earned his living by playing dice, i.e. by gambling.* Next, the Buddha asked him whether he had won or lost. When the brahmin answered that he sometimes lost and sometimes won, the Buddha said to him, 'To win in a game of dice is nothing compared to a victory over moral defilements.' |
55/170 | Dhammapada & Commentary | Khuddhaka | J.i.106ff. | despair |