Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
DhA. |
XVI:7 Kassapa receives baskets of cakesOn one festival day, the Buddha entered the city of Rajagaha for almsfood, accompanied by a group of bhikkhus. On their way, they met some boys going to a garden. The boys were carrying some baskets of cakes. They paid homage to the Buddha but did not offer their cakes. The Buddha said to his bhikkhus, 'Although these boys did not offer any of the cakes, yet a bhikkhu who will receive the cakes is coming close behind us. We will proceed only after these boys have made their offering.' After saying this, the Buddha and his bhikkhus rested under the shade of a tree. Just at that moment Venerable Kassapa came along. The boys took a liking to him immediately, paid homage and offered the cakes to him. Kassapa then advised the boys, 'My teacher the Exalted One is resting beneath a tree over there, accompanied by some bhikkhus. Go and make an offering of your cakes to him.' The boys did as they were told. The Buddha accepted their offering. Later, some bhikkhus remarked that the boys were showing favouritism to Kassapa. The Buddha then explained, 'Bhikkhus, all bhikkhus who are like my son Kassapa, are liked by both devas and men. Such bhikkhus always receive the four requisites of bhikkhus.'* |
55/170 | Dhammapada & Commentary | Khuddhaka | J.i.106ff. | despair |