Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.166 | Ubhaya Sutta | The following modes of spiritual progress are enumerated: 1. painful progress with slow intuition [dukkhaapa.tipadaa dandhaabhi~n~naa] -- which is considered a low [hiina] mode of progress in that it is both painful and slow; 2. painful progress with quick intuition [dukkhaapa.tipadaa khippaabhi~n~naa] -- which is considered a low mode of progress in that it is painful; 3. convenient progress with slow intuition [sukhaapa.tipadaa dandhaabhi~n~naa] -- which is considered a low mode of progress in that it is slow, and; 4. convenient progress with quick intuition [sukhaapa.tipadaa khippaabhi~n~naa] -- which is considered an excellent mode of progress in that it is neither painful nor slow. | 35/396 | Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |