Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
AN.IV.167 Moggallaana Sutta Saariputta went to Moggallaana and told him that there are four modes of spiritual progress. Those modes of progress are enumerated as:
1. painful progress with slow intuition [dukkhaapa.tipadaa dandhaabhi~n~naa] -- those who cultivate no generosity, self-discipline or meditation;
2. painful progress with quick intuition [dukkhaapa.tipadaa khippaabhi~n~naa] -- those who cultivate only meditation, but no generosity or self-discipline;
3. convenient progress with slow intuition [sukhaapa.tipadaa dandhaabhi~n~naa] -- those who practice only generosity and self-discipline, but who practice no meditation, and;
4. convenient progress with quick intuition [sukhaapa.tipadaa khippaabhi~n~naa] -- those who practice generosity and self-discipline and meditation too.
Saariputta says he has become enlightened by the way which is painful with swift insight.
35/397 Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.ii.

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