Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.11_013 | Nandiya Sutta | Nandiya the Sakyan asks the Buddha, "when living amongst those of various ways, whose way of living should we live?" The Buddha taught that, by being established in five qualities: 1. faith [saddha]; 2. self-discipline; 3. striving; 4. mindfulness; 5. concentration, and; 6. wisdom -- the following five objects of mindfulness should be set up: 1. recollection of the Buddha; 2. recollection of the Dhamma; 3. recollection of the good friends [kalyaa.namitta]; 4. recollection of self-sacrifice, and; 5. recollection of angels. | 38/541 | Ekaadasaka Nipaata | A"nguttara | A.i. |