Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_157 | Dutiya Paccoroha.nii Sutta | The Buddha teaches the assembled monks that to cleanse themselves of sin they should consider, "from: 1. killing (paa.naatipaataa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning killing, cleanses himself of it; 2. stealing (adinnaadaanaa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning stealing, cleanses himself of it; 3. adultery (kaamesumicchaacaaraa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning adultery, cleanses himself of it; 4. telling lies (musaavaadaa)comes evil retribution and thus abandoning telling lies, cleanses himself of it; 5. malicious gossip (pisu.naayavaacaaya) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning malicious gossip, cleanses himself of it; 6. harsh speech (pharusaayavaacaaya)comes evil retribution and thus abandoning harsh speech, cleanses himself of it; 7. idle chatter (samphappalaapaa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning idle chatter, cleanses himself of it; 8. covetousness (abhijjhaa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning covetousness, cleanses himself of it; 9. illwill (byaapada) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning illwill, cleanses himself of it, and; 10. false view (micchaadi.t.thi) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning false view, cleanses himself of it. recognizes the Buddha's method as superior and consequently takes refuge in the Buddha. | 38/410 | Dasaka Nipaata, Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |