Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_156 | Pa.thama Paccoroha.nii Sutta | On the Ariyan means of cleansing. On a full-moon day, Brahmin performed a ritual of cleansing of sin by washing himself, putting on new clothes, performing a ritual in the night and the next morning offering food to the brahmins. When asked how the Ariyan disciples of the Buddha cleansed themselves of sin, the Buddha teaches that his disciples must consider, "from: 1. killing (paa.naatipaataa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning killing, cleanses himself of it; 2. stealing (adinnaadaanaa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning stealing, cleanses himself of it; 3. adultery (kaamesumicchaacaaraa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning adultery, cleanses himself of it; 4. telling lies (musaavaadaa)comes evil retribution and thus abandoning telling lies, cleanses himself of it; 5. malicious gossip (pisu.naayavaacaaya) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning malicious gossip, cleanses himself of it; 6. harsh speech (pharusaayavaacaaya)comes evil retribution and thus abandoning harsh speech, cleanses himself of it; 7. idle chatter (samphappalaapaa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning idle chatter, cleanses himself of it; 8. covetousness (abhijjhaa) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning covetousness, cleanses himself of it; 9. illwill (byaapada) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning illwill, cleanses himself of it, and; 10. false view (micchaadi.t.thi) comes evil retribution and thus abandoning false view, cleanses himself of it. recognizes the Buddha's method as superior and consequently takes refuge in the Buddha. | 38/407 | Dasaka Nipaata, Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |