Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_045 | Pavesana Sutta | Ten dangers for monks entering the royal palace are enumerated as follow: 1. if smiles are exchanged between the monk and queen an affair is suspected; 2. if the king is very busy, impregnates one of his harem and forgets -- later discovering the pregnancy, thinks 'apart from me it is only monks who are allowed into the harem compound' and thereby suspects the monk; 3. when a precious gem goes missing from the palace -- discovering the loss, the king thinks 'apart from me it is only monks who are allowed into the palace' and thereby suspects the monk; 4. when state secrets are divulged elsewhere -- discovering the leak, the king thinks 'apart from us it is only monks who know such secrets' and thereby suspects the monk; 5. when in the palace a father aspires to do away with his son or a son aspires to do away with his father and their ruse is discovered, both father and son suspect 'apart from the monk who visits the palace there is no-one else who knows about this' -- and they suspect the monk; 6. when the king puts a person deserving of a low position in a high position and the courtiers say to themselves 'the king is always instructed by the monk who comes in the palace -- the monk put him up to this decision' -- and they suspect the monk; 7. when the king puts a person deserving of a high position in a low position and the courtiers say to themselves 'the king is always instructed by the monk who comes in the palace -- the monk put him up to this decision' -- and they suspect the monk; 8. when the king send his troops on a forray at an unseasonable time and those put at a disadvantage say to themselves 'the king is always instructed by the monk who comes in the palace -- the monk put him up to this decision' -- and they suspect the monk; 9. when the king sends forth his troops on a foray at a seasonable time but changes his mind and call them back and those put at a disadvantage say to themselves 'the king is always instructed by the monk who comes in the palace -- the monk put him up to this decision' -- and they suspect the monk, and; 10. in the royal court the king surrounds himself with luxury and distractions and pleasures of the sense which are not suitable for a monk. | 38/147 | Dasaka Nipaata, Pa.thama Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |