Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.60 | Kodhanaa Sutta | The following seven sorts of intentions are fostered by rivals and cause rivallry: 1. Oh! That my rival were ugly . . . as a result, no matter how well they dress, their own anger makes them look ugly themselves; 2.Oh! That my rival might sleep badly . . . as a result, no matter how well they cover their bed, their own anger makes them sleep badly themselves; 3. Oh! That my rival might not prosper . . . as a result, no matter how much profit they make, because of their anger they always feel they have made a loss; 4. Oh! That my rival would have no wealth . . . as a result, no matter how much wealth they amass, the king will seize the wealth for his own treasury out of spite for that man's angriness; 5. Oh! That my rival should be without fame . . . as a result, no matter how famous they were before, their anger will cause their own fame to be eclipsed; 6. Oh! That my rival should lose all their friends . . . as a result, no matter how many friends they used to have themselves, they will be completely abandoned because of their anger, and; 7. Oh! That my rival would go to hell . . . as a result of their own anger when they die, they go to hell themselves. | 37/203 | Sattaka Nipaata, Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |