Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.185 | Braahma.nasacca Sutta | Four Brahmin truths set forth by the Buddha which spoken are never false are as follows: 1. All living beings are not to be harmed and practising mercy and compassion to all living beings; 2. No sense pleasure is permanent but is of a nature of suffering and change and practising for distaste for sense-pleasure for passionlessness, for making an end thereof; 3. No level of existence [bhava] is permanent but is of a nature of suffering and change and practising for distaste for sense-pleasure for passionlessness, for making an end thereof, and; 4. Has no anxiety about anything anywhere and practices for not being attached to anything. Moreover he should have no conceit of a monk or a brahmin that 'I am better', 'I am equal' or 'I am inferior'. | 35/449 | Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |