Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.171 | Cetanaa Sutta | Where there is intentional bodily action [kaayasa~ncetanaa] there arises the pleasure or pain of that bodily action [kaayasa"nkhaara] Where there is intentional verbal action [vaciisa~ncetana]. There arises the pleasure and pain of that verbal action [vaciisa"nkhara]. Where there is intentional mental action [manosa~ncetanaa], there arises the pleasure or pain of that mental action. The ignorance [avijjaa] which is a necessary component of such action may cause the arising in another world (rebirth) for one of the four reasons: 1. conditioned by the performance of the act; 2. conditioned by the action of others; 3. conditioned both by one's actions and the actions of others, and; 4. conditioned neither by one's own or others' actions.Saariputta expanded further on the meaning of these four reasons as follows: 1. being conditioned only by one's own actions is illustrated by the decease of a angel from a heaven realm because of mindless indulgence in sense pleasure [khiddaa-padosika]; 2. being conditioned only by the actions of others is illustrated by the decease of an angel from a heaven realm by the intentions of another deva belonging to the retinue of the Four Great Kings; 3. being conditioned both by the actions of oneself and others is illustrated by those dying by murder or suicides, and; 4. being conditioned by neither oneself nor others is illustrated by those who abide in the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. | 35/405 | Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |