Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.170 | Yuganaddha Sutta | Four ways of attaining final liberation [arahattaphala] are enumerated as follows: 1. development of insight [vipassanaa] preceded by tranquility [samadha], following that way, develops it until the fetters [sa.myojana] can be abandoned and the defilements [anusaya] come to an end; 2. development of tranquility preceded by insight following that way, develops it until the fetters [sa.myojana] can be abandoned and the defilements [anusaya] come to an end; 3. development of tranquility and insight hand in hand following that way, develops it until the fetters [sa.myojana] can be abandoned and the defilements [anusaya] come to an end, and; 4. development of a mind utterly cleared of doubt with the mind settled into one-pointedness until attaining the Path following that way, develops it until the fetters [sa.myojana] can be abandoned and the defilements [anusaya] come to an end. | 35/402 | Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |