Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.164 | Pa.thama Khama Sutta | Four modes of spiritual progress are enumerated as: 1. impatient mode: those who return the insults of others who insult them; 2. patient mode: those who don't return the insults of those who insult them; 3. taming mode: those who are restrained as to the senses [indriyasa.mvara], and; 4. calming mode: those who do not entertain mind any of the forms of unwholesome preoccupation [akusalavitakka] and who relinquish any sort of wholesomeness that arises. | 35/393 | Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |