Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.139 | Dhammakathika Sutta | Four types of Dhamma preacher are enumerated as follows: 1. Those who preach little and who are not to the point. Such an undiscerning preacher is suitable to preach to the undiscerning; 2. Those who preach little but who are to the point. Such a discerning preacher is suitable for preaching to the discerning; 3. Those who preach much but are off the point. Such an undiscerning preacher is suitable for preaching to the undiscerning; 4. Those who preach much and are to the point. Such discerning preachers are suitable for preaching to the discerning. | 35/357 | Catukanipaata Tatiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |