Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.85 | Tama Sutta | There are four different types of life-path for the people born in our world: 1. Those born out of darkness and into darkness -- those born into the human realm after suffering many lifetimes of retribution in the hell realms, but who wasted their opportunity as a human, doing only evil deeds and who at the end of their life were reborn into hell; 2. Those who emerge from the darkness into the light -- i.e. those born into the human realm after suffering many lifetimes of retribution in the hell realms, but who use their human life as a turning point, doing only good deeds all their life and who at the end of their life will be reborn in heaven; 3. Those who descend from light into the darkness -- i.e. the priveliged people born from heaven with all manner of convenience, but who complacently do no further good deeds and who at the end of their life will be reborn in hell, and; 4. Those who are born out of the light and who pass away into the light -- i.e. those born from heaven, with all manner of convenience, but who are not complacent and who further their good deeds so that at the end of their lives they may be reborn into heaven. |
35/246 | Catukanipaata Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |