Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.84 | Kodha Sutta | There are two groups of four behaviours, one skilful, the other unskilful. The following
set of four behaviours is unskilful: 1. being short-tempered; 2. being disrespectful; 3. being interested only in wealth, and; 4. being interested only in honours. However, the following set of four behaviours is skilful: 1. not being short tempered; 2. not being disrespectful; 3. not being interested only in wealth, and; 4. not being interested only in honours. |
35/245 | Catukanipaata Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |