Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
AN.VII.61 Hiri Sutta Just like the heartwood of a tree will go rotten if the bark, branches etc. of the tree are already rotten -- but those who are possessed of: 1. shame of evil and fear of the consequences of evil; 2. restraint of the senses; 3. self-discipline; 4. right meditation; 5. the ability to be a teacher to oneself [yathaabhuuta~naa.nadassana.m]; 6. boredom with sensuality and release [nippita, viraaga], and; 7. seeing and knowing of liberation [vimutti~naa.nadassanaa] will prevent the deterioration of their virtues just like the heartwood of a tree will be protected if the bark, branches etc. are not rotten. 37/212 Sattaka Nipaata, Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.iv.

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