Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.110 | Cara Sutta | Bhikkhus, if while walking a sensual thought or a thought of ill will or an aggressive thought arises in a bhikkhu, and if he tolerates it and does not reject it, does not dispel it and get rid of it and bring it to an end, that bhikkhu who in such a manner is lacking in ardour and unafraid of wrongdoing is called constantly lazy and indolent. If while standing . . . If while sitting . . . If while lying down a sensual thought or a thought of ill will or an aggressive thought arises in a bhikkhu, and if he tolerates it and does not reject it . . . that bhikkhu is called constantly lazy and indolent."But if while walking . . . standing . . . sitting . . . lying down a sensual thought or a thought of ill will or an aggressive thought arises in a bhikkhu and he does not tolerate it, but rejects it, dispels it, gets rid of it and brings it to an end, that bhikkhu who in such a manner is ardent and afraid of wrongdoing is called constantly energetic and resolute."Whether walking or standing, Sitting or lying downWhoever thinks such thoughtsThat are evil and worldly -He is following a wrong path,Infatuated with delusive things.Such a bhikkhu cannot reachEnlightenment which is supreme.Whether walking or standing, Sitting or lying down, Whoever overcomes these thoughts, Delighting in the quelling of thoughts -Such a bhikkhu is able to reach Enlightenment which is supreme. | 45/699 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.115 | mindfulness |