Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.097 | Kalyaa.nasiila Sutta | Sutta | Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu who is of lovely behaviour, lovely nature and lovely wisdom is called in this Dhamma-and-discipline one who is fully accomplished, who has reached fulfilment, the supreme among men."And how is a bhikkhu of lovely behaviour? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu is virtuous, he lives restrained by the restraint of the rules of discipline ~ endowed with perfect conduct and resort; seeing danger in the slightest faults, he undertakes the rules of training and trains in them. In this way a bhikkhu is one who is of lovely behaviour. Thus he is of lovely behaviour."And how is he of lovely nature? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu lives engaged in cultivating the seven groups of the requisites of enlightenment. In this way a bhikkhu is one who is of lovely nature. Thus he is of lovely behaviour and lovely nature."And how is he of lovely wisdom? Here, bhikkhus, through realisation by his own direct knowledge, a bhikkhu here and now enters and abides in the mind-release and wisdom-release that are taintless by the destruction of the taints. In this way a bhikkhu is one who is of lovely wisdom."Thus he is of lovely behaviour, lovely nature and lovely wisdom. In this Dhamma-and-discipline he is called one who is fully accomplished, who has reached fulfilment and is supreme among men."A conscientious bhikkhuWho never does wrong in any way, body, speech or mind,Is called "one of lovely behaviour."An unassuming bhikkhuwho has cultivated well the statesThat lead to enlightenmentIs called "One of lovely nature."A taintless bhikkhuWho understands for himselfThe end of suffering hereIs called "one of lovely wisdom."He who excels in these three things,Untroubled, with doubt destroyed,Unattached in all the world,Is called "one who has abandoned all." | 45/602 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.096 | lovely behaviour |