Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.081 | Sakkaara Sutta | Bhikkhus, I have seen beings, overwhelmed and with minds obsessed by receiving homage, upon the perishing of the body after death be reborn in a state of misery, a bad bourn, a state of ruin, hell. I have seen beings, overwhelmed and with minds obsessed by not receiving homage. . . by both receiving homage and (later) not receiving homage, upon the perishing of the body after death be reborn in a state of misery, a bad bourn, a state of ruin, hell."I say this, bhikkhus, without having learned it from another recluse or brahmin . . It is just because I myself have known it, seen it and observed it, that I say: I have seen beings, overwhelmed and with minds obsessed by receiving homage . . after death be reborn in . . . hell."He is one who lives diligentlyWith concentration undisturbed,Both when homage is paid to himAnd when he receives no homage.Meditating continuously, giftedWith subtle view and insight,Enjoying the destruction of grasping -They call such a one a "true man." | 45/491 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.073 | homage |