Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.063 | Addhaa Sutta | Bhikkhus, these are the three times. What three? Past time, future time and present time. These, bhikkhus, are the three times."Perceiving what can be expressed through concepts,Beings take their stand on what is expressed.Not fully understanding the expressed,They come under the bondage of Death.But by fully understanding what is expressedOne does not misconceive the speaker.His mind has attained to freedom,The unsurpassed state of peace.Understanding what is expressed,The peaceful one delights in the peaceful state.Standing on Dhamma, perfect in knowledge,He freely makes use of conceptsBut no more enters into concept's range. | 45/400 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.053 | time |