Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.059 | Maaradheyya Sutta | Bhikkhus, being in possession of three things, a bhikkhu has passed beyond the domain of Mara and shines like the sun. What are the three? Herein a bhikkhu is in possession of the non-learner's aggregate of virtue, the non-learner's aggregate of concentration, the non-learner's aggregate of wisdom. These are the three things in possession of which a bhikkhu has passed beyond the domain of Mara and shines like the sun."Virtue, concentration and wisdom -One in whom these are fully developed,On passing beyond Mara's domain,Shines forth like the sun. | 45/380 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.050 | mara |