Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.039 | Desanaa Sutta | There are, bhikkhus, two successive Dhamma teachings of the Tathagata, the Arahant, the Fully Enlightened One. What are the two? 'See evil as evil' -this is the first Dhamma-teaching. 'Having seen evil as evil, be rid of it, be detached from it, be freed from it' -this is the second Dhamma-teaching. These, bhikkhus, are the two successive Dhamma-teachings of the Tathagata. . .Regard the ordered words he spoke,The Tathagata, the Awakened One,Compassionate for all beings,And the two things he proclaimed:"See what is evil" is one, The other "Be detached from it." With a mind become detached from evil You will make an end of suffering. | 45/280 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.033 | dhamma teaching |