Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
It.034 | Aataapi Sutta | Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu who is without ardour and without fear of wrongdoing is incapable of attaining enlightenment, incapable of attaining Nibbana, incapable of attaining the supreme security from bondage. But a bhikkhu who has ardour and fear of wrongdoing is capable of doing so."One who is not ardent, reckless,Lazy and of little vigour,Full of lethargy and torpor,Shameless and without respect-Such a bhikkhu cannot attainEnlightenment which is supreme.But a mindful and discerning meditator,Ardent, scrupulous and diligent,Having severed the fetters of birth and decay,Can attain for himself right here and nowEnlightenment which is supreme. | 45/202 | Itivuttaka | Khuddhaka | It.027 | ardour |