Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.11_023 | Overcoming Grasping | The following eleven practices are appropriate for insight into grasping: 1. attaining the first absorption; 2. attaining the second absorption; 3. attaining the third absorption; 4. attaining the fourth absorption; 5. loving-kindness [mettaa]; 6. compassion [karu.naa]; 7. sympathetic joy [muditaa]; 8. equanimity [upekkhaa]; 9. the sphere of the infinity of space (aakaasaana~ncaayatana); 10. the sphere of the infinity of consciousness (, and; 11. the sphere of nothingness (aaki~nca~n~naayatana). For the full comprehension, understanding, utter destruction, abandoning, ending, decay, fading, stopping, giving up and renunciation of grasping and the sixteen subtle defilements [upakilesa] the following eleven qualities must be cultivated: 1. attaining the first absorption; 2. attaining the second absorption; 3. attaining the third absorption; 4. attaining the fourth absorption; 5. loving-kindness [mettaa]; 6. compassion [karu.naa]; 7. sympathetic joy [muditaa]; 8. equanimity [upekkhaa]; 9. the sphere of the infinity of space (aakaasaana~ncaayatana); 10. the sphere of the infinity of consciousness. | 38/592 | Ekaadasaka Nipaata, Pa~ncama Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |