Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.11_010 | Moranivaapana Sutta | Monks gifted with the following qualities are the best of men and angels (in groups of three/two): 1. the aggregate of self-discipline [siila-khanda]; 2. concentration [samaadhi khanda]; 3. wisdom [pa~n~naakhanda]; 4. miraculous power [iddhipa.tihariya]; 5. mind reading [adesaniyapa.tihariya]; 6. exhorting others [anusasaniyapatihariya]; 7. right view [sammaa di.t.thi]; 8. right knowledge [sammaa]; 9. right liberation [sammaa vimutti]; 10. knowledge [vijjaa], and; 11. conduct []. | 38/527 | Ekaadasaka Nipaata | A"nguttara | A.i. |