Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.11_001 | Kimatthiya Sutta | Eleven sequential outcomes of practising self discipline are enumerated, each one leading to the next: 1. self-discipline (siila); 2. lack of remorse (avippa.tisaara); 3. bliss (paamoda); 4. joy (piti); 5. exhilaration (passadhi); 6. happiness (sukha); 7. concentration (samaadhi); 8. seeing things as they really are (yathaabhuuta~naa.nadassana); 9. disenchantment with the things of the world (nibbitaa); 10. disenchantment with the things of the world (viraaga) and; 11. seeing and knowing of liberation (vimutti~naa.nadassana). | 38/504 | Ekaadasaka Nipaata | A"nguttara | A.i. |