Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_207 | Twenty Dhamma Sutta | Those with the following twenty practices will be reborn in the four unfortunate realms after death: 1. killing (paa.naatipaataa); 2. persuading others to kill; 3. stealing (adinnaadaanaa); persuading others to steal; 5. committing adultery (kaamesumicchaacaaraa); 6. persuading others to commit adultery; 7. telling lies (musaavaadaa); 8. persuading others to tell lies; 9. malicious gossip (pisu.naayavaacaaya); 10. persuading others to gossip maliciously; 11. harsh speech (pharusaayavaacaaya); 12. persuading others to speak harshly; 13. idle chatter (samphappalaapaa); 14. persuading others to chatter idly; 15. covetousness (abhijjhaa); 16. persuading others to covet; 17. illwill (byaapada); 18. persuading others to bear illwill; 19. false view (micchaadi.t.thi), and; 20. persuading others to have false view. However, those with the following twenty practices will not be reborn in the four unfortunate realms after death: 1. abstention from killing (paa.naatipaataa verama.nii); 2. persuading others to abstain from killing; 3. abstention from stealing (adinnaadaanaa verama.nii); 4. persuading others to abstain from stealing; 5. abstention from adultery (kaamesumicchaacaaraa verama.nii); 6. persuading others to abstain from adultery; 7. abstention from telling lies (musaavaadaa verama.nii); 8. persuading others to abstain from telling lies; 9. abstention from malicious gossip (pisu.naayavaacaaya verama.nii); 10. persuading others to abstain from malicious gossip; 11. abstention from harsh speech (pharusaayavaacaaya verama.nii); 12. persuading others to abstain from harsh speech; 13. abstention from idle chatter (samphappalaapaa verama.nii); 14. persuading others to abstain from idle chatter; 15. non-covetousness (anabhijjhaa); 16. persuading others to abstain from covetousness; 17. non-illwill (abyaapada); 18. persuading others to abstain from illwill; 19. right view (sammaadi.t.thi), and; 20. persuading others to be established in right view. | 38/498 | Dasaka Nipaata, Pa~ncama Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |