Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_120 | Dutiya Paccoroha.nii Sutta | Buddha teaches the assembled monks the method his disciples should use to cleanse themselves of sin is to consider, "from: 1. wrong view [micchaa di.t.thi] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong view, cleanses himself of it; 2. wrong intention [micchaa sa"nkappa] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong intention, cleanses himself of it; 3. wrong speech [micchaa vaacaa] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong speech, cleanses himself of it; 4. wrong action [micchaa kammanta] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong action, cleanses himself of it; 5. wrong livelihood [micchaa aachiiva] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong livelihood, cleanses himself of it; 6. wrong effort [micchaa vaayaama] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong effort, cleanses himself of it; 7. wrong mindfulness [micchaa sati] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong mindfuless, cleanses himself of it; 8. wrong concentration [micchaa samaadhi] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong concentration, cleanses himself of it; 9. wrong knowledge [micchaa] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong knowledge, cleanses himself of it, and; 10. wrong liberation [micchaa vimutti] comes evil retribution and thus abandoning wrong liberation, cleanses himself of it. | 38/382 | Dasaka Nipaata, Tatiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |