Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_107 | Dhovana Sutta | In certain southern districts of India there is a festival where the bones of the buried are exhumed and washed. The Buddha taught that this tradition is ignoble -- it does not lead to benefit, boredom with sensuality [nippida], relinquishing of sensuality, peacefulness, excellent knowledge or Nirvana. However the Ariyan tradition that leads to all of these things is for those of: 1. right view [sammaa di.t.thi] to wash away wrong view [micchaa di.t.thi]; 2. right intention [sammaa sa"nkappa] to wash away wrong intention [sammaa sa"nkappa]; 3. right speech [sammaa vaacaa] to wash away wrong speech [micchaa vaacaa]; 4. right action [sammaa kammanta] to wash away wrong action [micchaa kammanta]; 5. right livelihood [sammaa aachiiva] to wash away wrong livelihood [micchaa aachiiva]; 6. right effort [sammaa vaayaama] to wash away wrong effort [micchaa kammanta]; 7. right mindfulness [sammaa sati] to wash away wrong mindfulness [micchaa sati]; 8. right concentration [sammaa samaadhi] to wash away wrong concentration [micchaa samaadhi]; 9. right knowledge [sammaa] to wash away wrong knowledge [micchaa], and; 10. right liberation [sammaa vimutti] to wash away wrong liberation [micchaa liberation]. In this way unwholesomeness will be removed and further virtue will be developed. | 38/347 | Dasaka Nipaata, Tatiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |