Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_094 | Vijjaya Sutta | Vijjayamaahita Sutta | Vajjiya is asked by the heretics whether the Buddha despises all heretics and their practices. Vajjiya replies that the Buddha does not make such sweeping statements but judges things on their individual merits. Later the Buddha confirms Vajjiya saying that the marks of an effective practice are: 1. austerities [tapa] which decrease self-discipline and increase unwholesomeness (should not be practised); 2. austerities [tapa] which increase self-discipline and decrease unwholesomeness (should be practised); 3. requesting precepts [samadana] which decrease self-discipline and increase unwholesomeness (should not be practised); 4. requesting precepts [samadana] which increase self-discipline and decrease unwholesomeness (should be practised); 5. striving which decreases self-discipline and increase unwholesomeness (should not be practised); 6. striving which increases self-discipline and decrease unwholesomeness (should be practised); 7. relinquishing which decreases self-discipline and increase unwholesomeness (should not be practised); 8. relinquishing which increases self-discipline and decreases unwholesomeness (should be practised); 9. liberation which decreases self-discipline and increases unwholesomeness (should not be practised), and; 10. liberation which increases self-discipline and decreases unwholesomeness (should be practised). The Buddha praises Vajjiya for his answer to the heretics. | 38/306 | Dasaka Nipaata, Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |