Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_091 | Kaamabhogii Sutta | The ten ways in which people gain enjoyment from the sense-pleasures: 1. Some seek wealth unlawfully, neither gain enjoyment from their earnings nor share them with others, and do not use them for meritorious deeds; 2. Some seek wealth unlawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, but do not use them for meritorious deeds; 3. Some seek wealth unlawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, and use them for meritorious deeds; 4. Some seek wealth unlawfully and lawfully, neither gain enjoyment from their earnings nor share them with others, and do not use them for meritorious deeds; 5. Some seek wealth unlawfully and lawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, but do not use them for meritorious deeds; 6. Some seek wealth unlawfully and lawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, and use them for meritorious deeds; 7. Some seek wealth lawfully, neither gain enjoyment from their earnings nor share them with others, and do not use them for meritorious deeds; 8. Some seek wealth lawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, but do not use them for meritorious deeds; 9. Some seek wealth lawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, and use them for meritorious deeds; 10. Some seek wealth lawfully, gain enjoyment from their earnings and share them with others, and use them for meritorious deeds and are not blind to their own salvation. Of all the ten, the last is superior -- it is the crème-de-la crème when compared to all the other dairy products. | 38/290 | Dasaka Nipaata, Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |