Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_079 | Aaghaatavatthu Sutta | The objects of illwill. Illwill may be directed towards: 1. someone who has already disadvantaged us; 2. someone who is presently disadvantaging us; 3. someone who is going to disadvantage us; 4. someone who has already disadvanted someone we are fond of; 5. someone who is disadvantaging someone we are fond of; 6. someone who is going to disadvantage someone we are fond of; 7. someone who has benefitted someone we hate; 8. someone who is benefitting someone we hate; 9. someone who is going to benefit someone we hate, and; 10. someone of misplaced anger. | 38/252 | Dasaka Nipaata, Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |