Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_068 | Dutiya Na.lakapaana Sutta | Those lacking the following attitudes to wholesomeness will fall away from wholesomeness: 1. faith [saddha]; 2. shame of evil [hiri]; 3. fear of the consequences of evil [ottappa]; 4. perseverance [viriya], and; 5. wisdom [pa~n~na]. However those who possess the following attitudes to wholesomeness will increase in wholesomeness: 1. faith [saddha]; 2. shame of evil [hiri]; 3. fear of the consequences of evil [ottappa]; 4. perseverance [viriya], and; 5. wisdom [pa~n~na]. The wholesomeness cultivated is: 1. faith [saddha]; 2. shame of evil [hiri]; 3. fear of the consequences of evil [ottappa]; 4. perseverance [viriya], and; 5. wisdom [pa~n~na]; 6. attentively listening to a preaching; 7. memorizing preachings heard; 8. reflecting on preachings heard; 9. application of learning, and; 10. non-recklessness concerning the Dhamma.. | 38/212 | Dasaka Nipaata, Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |