Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_057 | Dutiya Sa~n~naa Sutta | The following ten contemplations are of great profit and fruit for plunging into the deathless: 1. contemplation of impermanence [aniccasa~n~naa]; 2. contemplation of not-self [anattaasa~n~naa]; 3. contemplation of death [mara.nasa~n~naa]; 4. contemplation of the repulsiveness of food [ahaarepa.tikuulasa~n~naa]; 5. contemplation of distaste for all the world [sabbalokeanabhiratasa~n~naa]; 6. contemplation of a skeleton [a.t.thikasa~n~naa]; 7. contemplation of a corpse with worms [pu.luvaka]; 8. contemplation of a discoloured corpse [viniilakasa~n~naa]; 9. contemplation of a fissured corpse [vichiddakasa~n~naa], and; 10. contemplation of a swollen corpse [uddhumaadhakasa~n~naa]. | 38/185 | Dasaka Nipaata, Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |