Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_024 | Mahaacunda Sutta | When a monk makes claims about his knowledge, his training or his knowledge and his training and he is still overcome by the defilements of 1. greed (lobha); 2. hatred (dosa); 3. delusion (moha); 4. anger (kodha); 5. enmity (upanaaha); 6. depreciation of others' worth (makkha); 7. spite (pa.laasa); 8. stinginess (macchariya); 9. envy (issa), and; 10. illwill -- others will not know and he will remain overcome by these defilements -- like a poor man who claims to be rich he will show the truth of his status when expenditure is demanded of him. When a monk makes claims about his knowledge, his training or his knowledge and his training and he is no longer overcome by the defilements of 1. greed (lobha); 2. hatred (dosa); 3. delusion (moha); 4. anger (kodha); 5. enmity (upanaaha); 6. depreciation of others' worth (makkha); 7. spite (pa.laasa); 8. stinginess (macchariya); 9. envy (issa), and; 10. illwill -- he will remain free of these defilements -- like a rich man who claims to be rich he will show the truth of his status when expenditure is demanded of him. | 38/079 | Dasaka Nipaata, Pa.thama Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |