Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
A.10_007 | Saariputta Sutta | Monks should not take to heart any of the following ten assumptions: 1. that the earth element is the earth element; 2. that the water element is the water element; 3. that the fire element is the fire element; 4. that the wind element is the wind element; 5. that the sphere of the infinity of space (aakaasaana~ncaayatana) is the sphere of the infinity of space; 6. that the sphere of the infinity of consciousness ( is the sphere of the infinity of consciousness; 7. that the sphere of nothingness (aaki~nca~n~naayatana) is the sphere of nothingness; 8. that the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception (nevasa~n~naanaasa~n~naayatana) is the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception; 9. that this world is this world, or; 10. that the next world is the next world. Instead monks should cultivate peace and refinement of mind until they can shed the mind's defilements, overcome craving and attain nirvana. Sariputta says that he had cultivated meditation by such a method and had developed perception (sa~n~naa) that had extinguished becoming (bhaava), that is Nirvana -- just like a fire extinguishes when there is no more fuel. | 38/014 | Dasaka Nipaata, Pa.thama Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.i. |