Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII. | Peyyaala Vagga | There are a total of seventeen defilements which need to be understood: 1. grasping [raaga]; 2. hatred [dosa]; 3. ignorance [moha]; 4. anger [kodha]; 5. spite [upanaaha]; 6. depreciation of others [makkha]; 7. rivalry [pa.lasa]; 8. jealousy [issaa]; 9. stinginess [macchariya]; 10. deceit [maayaa]; 11. hypocrisy [saatheyya]; 12. obstinacy [thambha]; 13. contention [saarambha]; 14. conceit [maana]; 15. contempt [atimaana]; 16. vanity [mada], and; 17. recklessness [pamaada]. For each of these defilements, monks should practice for: ultimate knowledge; 2. knowledge; 3. destruction; 4. relinquishing; 5. destroying; 6. deterioration; 7. release from; 8. extinction; 9. letting go of; 10. releasing of -- which may be effected via the practice of any of the following groups of seven practices: A. Practice of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment [bojjha"nga]: 1. mindfulness [sati]; 2. analysis of the Dhamma [dhammavicaya]; 3. striving [viriya]; 4. joy [piti]; 5. tranquility [passaddhi]; 6. concentration [samaadhi], and; 7. equanimity [upekkhaa]. B. Practice of the seven signs: 1. impermanence [aniccasa~n~naa]; 2. not-self [anattasa~n~naa]; 3. loathesomeness [asubhasa~n~naa]; 4. danger [aadiinavasa~n~naa]; 5. abandoning [pahaanasa~n~naa]; 6. fading interest [viraagasa~n~naa]; 7. extinction [nirodhasa~n~naa]. C. Practice of another seven signs: 1. loathesomeness [asubhasa~n~naa]; 2. death [mara.nasa~n~naa]; 3. loathesomeness of food [aharepa.tikulasa~n~naa]; 4. distaste for all the world [sabbaloke anabhiratasa~n~naa]; 5. impermanence [aniccasa~n~naa]; 6. the suffering of impermanence [anicce dukkha sa~n~naa]; 7. the not-self of suffering [dukkhe anattaa sa~n~naa]. | 37/290 | Sattaka Nipaata, Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |