Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.51 | Abayaakata Sutta | A monk questions the Buddha as to how to overcome doubt concerning questions in the teaching left unexplained by the Buddha: i.e.: the existence of the Tathaagata after death; the non-existence of the Tathaagata after death; the existence and non-existence of the Tathaagata after death, and; the neither existence nor non-existence of the Tathaagata after death. The Buddha says that such matters are but: 1. matters of view [di.t.thi]; 2. matters of craving [ta.nhaa]; 3. matters of perception [sa~n~naagata]; 4. illusions [ma~n~nita]; 5. fancies [papa~ncita]; 6. matters of grasping [upadaana], and; 7. a source of remorse [vippa.tisara]. If a monk can know these traits, the origin of the traits, the extinction of the traits and the path to the extinction of the traits, by practising them he can overcome his doubts concerning those unexplained questions. | 37/157 | Sattaka Nipaata, Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |