Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.49 | Daana Sutta | Lay disciples from Campaa ask the Buddha about the factors that cause some offerings to be fruitful but lacking in profit or results (anisa.msa). The Buddha replies that there are seven reasons why people are generous: 1. those who give offerings in the hope of heavenly rewards [ta.nhuttariya daana] -- such will tend to be born in Catumahaarajika Heaven but still have to be reborn; 2. those who give offerings because they believe in the virtue of generosity [vittiikaara daana] -- such will tend to be born in Tavati.msa Heaven but still have to be reborn; 3. those who give to repay a debt of gratitude to their parents and other relatives according to custom [hiriottappa daana] -- such will tend to be born in Yaama Heaven but still have to be reborn; 4. those who give because they feel sorry for the monks who cannot procure their own food [niravasesa daana] -- such will tend to be reborn in Tusita Heaven but still have to be reborn; 5. those who give to perpetuate an ancient custom exemplified by the wise ones of old [dakkhi.neyya daana] -- such will tend to be born in Nimanarati Heaven but still have to be reborn; 6. those who give to inspire their own minds with faith, gladness and happiness [somanassuupacicaara daana] -- such will tend to be reborn in Paranimmitavasavatti Heaven but still have to be reborn, and; 7. Those who give offerings to improve and equip the mind [ala.nkaarapavicaara daana] -- such will tend to be reborn in the Brahma realms and will not be reborn again. The first six forms of giving are ones that are fruitful but lacking in profit but the seventh gives both fruit and profit. | 37/139 | Sattaka Nipaata, Pa.thamapa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |