Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.45 | Pa.thama Sa~n~naa Sutta | The following objects of meditation [sa~n~naa] will bring much benefit if cultivated by monks: 1. contemplation of loathesomeness [asubhasa~n~naa]; 2. contemplation of death [maranasa~n~naa]; 3. contemplation of repulsiveness of food [aahaarepa.tikulasa~n~naa]; 4. contemplation of distaste for all the world [sabbaloke anabhiirata sa~n~naa]; 5. contemplation of impermanence [anicca sa~n~naa]; 6. contemplation of the suffering of impermanence [anicce dukkha sa~n~naa], and; 7. contemplation of not-self [anatta sa~n~naa]. | 37/120 | Sattaka Nipaata, Pa.thamapa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |