Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.40 | Dutiya Niddasa Sutta | Wanderers debate whether a monk who follows the 'brahma-faring' for twelve years can be considered praiseworthy. Saariputta asks the same question to the Buddha who says that a monk must have the following seven qualities in order to be considered praiseworthy:-- undertaking and perpetual training in: 1. faith [saddha]; 2. shame of evil [hiri]; 3. fear of the consequences of evil [ottappa]; 4. having heard much [bahusuta]; 5. given to striving; 6. mindful, and; 7. wise. If he has such qualities and follows the 'brahma-faring' for 24 years, 36 years or 48 years, it is right to say that he is praiseworthy. | 37/102 | Sattaka Nipaata, Pa.thamapa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |