Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.17c | Nibbaana Sutta | The following seven sorts of person are worthy of bowing, hospitality, offering-making, salutation, and are an unexcelled field of merit for the world: 1. those who abide seeing the the happiness of nirvana, destroying the defilements and who has a mind liberated from defilements; 2. one who abides seeing the the happiness of nirvana, destroying the defilements and coming to the end of their life at the same time; 3. one who abides seeing the the happiness of nirvana and destroys the five lower fetters [***] attaining nirvana in the first part of his life [antaraa parinibbaayii]; 4. one who abide seeing the the happiness of nirvana and destroys the five lower fetters [***] in the second part of his life [upahacca parinibbaayii]; 5. one who abide seeing the the happiness of nirvana and destroys the five lower fetters [***] attaining nirvana without exertion [asa"nkhaara parinibbaayii]; 6. one who abide seeing the the happiness of nirvana and destroys the five lower fetters [***] attaining nirvana with exertion [sasa"nkhaara parinibbaayii], and; 7. one who abide seeing the the happiness of nirvana and destroys the five lower fetters [***] and goes upstream bound for the higher realms [uddha.msoto akani.t.tagaamii]. | 37/038 | Sattaka Nipaata, Pa.thamapa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |