Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.VII.15 | Udakuukhapama Sutta | The following seven sorts of people can be compared to seven ways of traversing water: 1. Some plunge in and drown -- those completely immersed in unwholesomeness; 2. some come up but sink down again -- those with faith, shame of evil, fear of the consequences of evil, perseverence and wisdom but whose faith is not steadfast or improving, but decays; 3. some come up and stay afloat -- those who have good faith, shame of evil, fear of the consequences of evil, perseverence and wisdom, with no decay but no improvement of these virtues; 4. those who come up and who turn back and forth -- those who have good faith, shame of evil, fear of the consequences of evil, perseverence and wisdom, but who are able to overcome the three lowest fetters [***] to become a steam-enterer; 5. some come up and prepare to traverse -- those who have overcome the three lowest fetters [***] and who have reduced their grasping, hate and ignorance to become a "once returner" 6. those who take refuge on firm ground -- those who have overcome the five lowest fetters to become a non-returner, and; 7. those who come up and are a brahmin who has reached the farthest shore and are on dry land -- those who have attained liberation though mind and wisdom with no further defilements in mind. | 37/027 | Sattaka Nipaata, Pa.thamapa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.iv. |