Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.252 | Pariyesanaa Sutta | The following four sorts of quest are ignoble [anariyo]: 1. those suffering from old age who continue to search after things suffering from old age; 2. those suffering from illness who continue to search after things suffering from illness; 3. those suffering from death who continue to search after things suffering from death, and; 4. those suffering from defilements who continue to search after things suffering from defilements; The following four sorts of quest are noble [ariyo]: 1. those suffering from old age who realize the danger of old age and to search instead after things that transcend the suffering of old age; 2. those suffering from illness who realize the danger of illness and to search instead after things that transcend the suffering of illness; 3. those suffering from death who realize the danger of death and to search instead after things that transcend the suffering of death, and; 4. those suffering from defilements who realize the danger of defilements and to search instead after things that transcend the suffering of defilements. | 35/618 | Catukanipaata Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |