Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.234 | Sikkhaapada Sutta | There are four types of karma and karmic retribution: 1. black/dark actions with black/dark retribution: those who break the Five Precepts; 2. white/bright actions with white/bright retribution: those who keep the Five Precepts; 3. mixed black/dark and white/bright actions with mixed black/dark and white/bright retributions: those who sometimes harm others and sometimes refrain from harming others arise in a world where there is sometimes harming and sometimes not and receive a mixture of happiness and suffering, and; 4. neither black/dark nor white/bright actions with neither black/dark nor white/bright retribution: who perform actions leading to an end of karma as is mentioned in the first three categories. The last of these [nibbedo] is conducive to a waning of karma. Alternatively, there are four types of karma and karmic retribution: 1. black/dark actions with black/dark retribution: those who commit the five anatariyakamma; 2. white/bright actions with white/bright retribution: those who keep to the Tenfold Path of Wholesomeness [kusaladhammapatha]; 3. mixed black/dark and white/bright actions with mixed black/dark and white/bright retributions: those who sometimes harm others and sometimes refrain from harming others arise in a world where there is sometimes harming and sometimes not and receive a mixture of happiness and suffering, and; 4. neither black/dark nor white/bright actions with neither black/dark nor white/bright retribution: who perform actions leading to an end of karma as is mentioned in the first three categories. The last of these [nibbedo] is conducive to a waning of karma. | 35/589 | Catukanipaata Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |