Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
AN.IV.207 Pa.thama Paapadhamma Sutta People of the world can be categorized according to their possession or lack of ten traits, i.e.: 1. killing (paa.naatipaataa); 2. stealing (adinnaadaanaa); 3. adultery (kaamesumicchaacaaraa); 4. telling lies (musaavaadaa); 5. malicious gossip (pisu.naayavaacaaya); 6. harsh speech (pharusaayavaacaaya); 7. idle chatter (samphappalaapaa); 8. covetousness (abhijjhaa); 9. illwill (byaapada), and; 10. false view (micchaadi.t.thi)
There are those:
1. who lack all ten traits;
2. who lack all ten traits and persuade others to be the same;
3. who possess all ten traits, and;
4. who possess all ten traits and persuade others to be the same.
35/558 Catukanipaata Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.ii.

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