Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
AN.IV.196 Saa.lha Sutta Ascetics claim that one can overcome defilements either by purity of self-discipline [siila] or by self-mortification. The Buddha teaches that ascetics who are unable to come to an end of defilements are those who:
1. lack purity of bodily conduct;
2. lack purity of verbal conduct;
3. lack purity of mental conduct;
4. lack right livelihood.

However, the four forms of ascetics who may come to an end of defilements are those who:
1. have Right Meditation [sammaa samaadhi];
2. have Right View [sammaa di.t.thii];
3. have Right Liberation [sammaa vimutti].
35/500 Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.ii.

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