Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
AN.IV.179 Nibbaana Sutta The obstacles to attaining parinibbaana in the present lifetime are enumerated. Lack of clear knowing in the following four forms of signs:
1. the signs of deterioration [haanabhaagiya sa~n~naa];
2. the signs of establishment/stability [.thitibhagiya sa~n~naa];
3. the signs of the outstanding / miraculous [visesabhaagiya sa~n~naa], and;
4. the signs leading to uprooting of defilements [nibbhedhabhaagiya sa~n~naa].
However those who recognize these four signs may attain Nirvana in this very lifetime.
35/430 Catukanipaata Catuttha Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.ii.

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